Is Kayaking Hard | Kayaking For Beginner (7 Simple & Easy Steps)

Kayaking is one of the most enjoyable physical activities you can do. The best part is that it doesn’t take much to get started. You and a friend can easily go paddling on a nearby lake or river.

The hardest part about kayaking is getting started rather than asking if is kayaking hard.

Is Kayaking Hard? Kayaking For Beginner

Kayaking is fairly simple to pick up. The paddling stroke is one that most people are familiar with! You start by pointing your paddle in the direction you want the kayak to move, like a rudder on a ship.

Then you bend your knees, sinking your hips, and bring the paddle into the water. You bring the paddle out of the water again and repeat the process. If you’re going with the flow of the river, you can use a forward stroke, otherwise known as a “draw stroke” to make it easier to steer.

Nope, kayaking is easy because you are just sitting in a boat! But with that said, it is not very challenging. However, if you want to pick up speed, or race other people, kayaking can become a little more challenging.

The equipment for kayaking is fairly affordable and usually has lifetime warranties. They are also top quality, which means that you won’t be needing to replace them anytime soon.

Kayaking is one of the most popular ways to experience water. It is fun, exciting, and a great way to exercise. It is also an affordable way to get out on the water and enjoy nature. Kayaking can be done by people of all ages and fitness levels.

No matter how old you are or how to fit or out of shape you may be, kayaking will be a good way to get some exercise and enjoy being on the water.

How To Start Kayaking (Step by Step)

If you are considering kayaking, but you are worried that it may be too hard or too difficult, you should know that this is far from the truth. As long as you can swim and you can paddle, you can kayak.

Kayaking can be a great experience for beginner and advanced paddlers alike. If you’re new to kayaking, it’s important to learn how to start kayaking the right way.

When it comes to sports, many people think that you need to have natural talent in order to participate. This is not always the case. Kayaking is one sport that can be enjoyed by beginners of all ages. With a little instruction and practice, you too can be on your way to a fun day out on the water.

1. Choose A Kayak

When choosing a kayak, it is important to consider factors such as size, material, and design

Size is crucial because it affects the stability and maneuverability of the kayak. Generally, shorter and narrower kayaks are more agile but less stable.

While longer and wider kayaks are more stable but less agile. It is important to consider the type of water you will primarily be kayaking on and your own size and weight when selecting a kayak

The material of the kayak also plays a role in its performance. Plastic kayaks are affordable and durable, making them a popular choice for recreational kayakers.

However, they are not as rigid and may not perform as well in rough waters. Fiberglass and composite kayaks are more expensive but offer better performance and maneuverability

The design of the kayak can also impact its performance. Sit-on-top kayaks are open on top, allowing for easier entry and exit as well as the option to bring along a pet or small child.

However, they are not as efficient in terms of speed and tracking. Sit-in kayaks have a closed cockpit, providing better protection from the elements and allowing for more precise paddling

Ultimately, the best kayak is one that fits your needs and preferences. It is important to try out different types and sizes before making a decision.

2. Purchase Or Rent Necessary Equipment

Depending on your budget and level of commitment, you have the option to either purchase or rent the necessary equipment for kayaking. This includes a kayak, paddles, and life jackets.

When purchasing a kayak, it is important to consider factors such as size (length and width), storage capacity, and stability. You may also want to consider purchasing a spray skirt, which helps keep water out of the kayak and allows for more comfortable paddling in rough waters.

Paddles come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so it is important to choose one that fits your height and paddling style. It is also important to have a spare paddle in case of an emergency.

When it comes to life jackets, it is important to choose one that fits properly and is appropriate for the type of kayaking you will be doing. It is also important to have a throw rope and whistle in case of emergency.

It is important to invest in high-quality equipment that will not only keep you safe but also improve your overall kayaking experience.

3. Familiarize Yourself With Kayaking Safety Guidelines And Techniques

Before heading out on your kayaking adventure, it is important to familiarize yourself with safety guidelines and techniques. Here are some tips to keep in mind

  • Always wear a personal flotation device (PFD) while on the water
  • Check the weather before leaving and be aware of any potential wind or storm conditions
  • Stay close to shore and avoid areas with heavy boat traffic
  • Familiarize yourself with hand signals for communicating with fellow kayakers
  • Know how to properly enter and exit the kayak from the water
  • When capsizing, stay with your kayak and try to right it before getting back in
  • Bring along a means of communication, such as a cell phone or radio

By following these safety guidelines and techniques, you can ensure a fun and safe kayaking experience.

4. Choose A Location To Paddle

When choosing a location to paddle, it is important to take into consideration the weather and water conditions

First, check the weather forecast for the area. Avoid paddling in harsh weather such as high winds or thunderstorms, as these can create dangerous conditions on the water.

Additionally, consider any potential hazards in the water such as currents or rough waves. These can make paddling more difficult and increase the risk of capsizing.

It is also important to research any potential restrictions or closures in the area, such as certain waterways being closed off for construction or events.

By taking the time to properly plan and assess the weather and water conditions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable kayaking experience.

5. Launch The Kayak And Begin Paddling

Before launching the kayak, it is important to check the weather conditions and water conditions. It is also important to make sure all necessary safety equipment, such as a life jacket and whistle, are on board the kayak.

Once in the water, the proper paddling technique involves using both arms for each stroke and keeping the paddle vertical in the water. The kayaker should also be aware of their surroundings and steer clear of obstacles, other boats, and swimmers.

To turn the kayak, the paddler can use a draw stroke on one side or a sweep stroke on the opposite side. They can also perform a stern rudder by pushing the paddle against the back of the kayak.

It is important to be aware of fatigue and take breaks when necessary. The kayaker should also stay hydrated and use sunscreen to protect against sun exposure.

By using proper paddling techniques and being mindful of safety, a kayaker can have a successful and enjoyable experience on the water.

6. Follow All Laws And Regulations

It is important to always follow all laws and regulations while kayaking, including staying within designated areas and respecting wildlife and other individuals using the waterway.

Before heading out on a kayaking trip, it is crucial to research and understand any local or national laws relating to kayaking in that specific area. This may include obtaining permits or licenses, following designated zones or routes, and adhering to noise regulations.

Additionally, it is important to respect and protect wildlife and their habitats while kayaking. This can mean avoiding disturbing nesting areas or fragile ecosystems, properly disposing of waste and unused bait, and not feeding or interacting with wild animals.

Furthermore, it is important to be considerate of other individuals using the waterway, such as boaters and swimmers. This can include following proper etiquette and communication on the water, respecting personal space, and being mindful of potential hazards.

By following all laws and regulations while kayaking, we can ensure that we are not only protecting ourselves but also preserving and respecting the environment and other individuals on the waterway.

7. End The Kayaking Trip By Properly Landing

After reaching the designated landing spot, it is important to carefully and slowly approach the shore. This can be done by paddling toward the shore parallel to it, rather than directly toward it which can cause the kayak to hit against rocks or dock structures.

Once on land, secure the kayak by tying it with a rope to a fixed object such as a dock or tree. This prevents it from floating away or being hit by other watercraft.

Before packing up equipment, it is important to empty any excess water from the kayak and dry off any wet gear. This helps to prevent mold and prolongs the lifespan of the equipment. Pack all equipment in the designated bags and properly store them in the car or a designated storage area.

Lastly, make sure to leave the area clean by disposing of any trash and properly storing any food to prevent attracting wildlife. By following these steps, kayakers can end their trip safely and responsibly.

Is Kayaking Difficult For Beginners

Many people think kayak paddling skills are reserved for those that grew up fishing and exploring the sea, but that’s not exactly true! Your body is the tool used by your mind to control the kayak and this can be done by anyone with the right mindset.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while you master this sport.

First, keep your kayak steady by placing your body in a comfortable position. Some people will even sit on the bottom part of the boat to keep it stable.

Once in position, try to paddle as if you’re using a rowing machine. Focus your attention on pumping your arms and keeping your wrists loose.

Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to enjoy kayaking for hours!

Is Kayaking Physically Hard

It depends on the level of the kayaker and the kayaking activity. The initial paddling may be challenging to someone who hasn’t paddled in a long time or someone who has never paddled before.

Things like balance and body movement can take some getting used to.

If you paddle regularly, you’ll get better at it. If you get a kayak that’s light and easy to maneuver, you’ll have an easier time learning the basics.

Don’t worry about needing a lot of upper body strength for kayaking, either. You can get a lot of the strength you need from your legs and core.

That said, most kayakers will build their arms up because they paddle so often, but you don’t have to have huge biceps to go kayaking!


Kayaking can be a fun and enjoyable activity for beginners if they keep in mind proper technique, equipment, and safety measures.

It may require some initial physical effort, but with practice and patience, anyone can enjoy the sport. It is also important to remember to respect the environment and other individuals while out on the water.