Plane vs Ship (4 Fundamental Facts)

Plane vs Ship, both planes and ships have their own unique set of pros and cons that make them each ideal for different types of travel.

Here, we take a closer look at planes vs ships to help you decide which mode of transportation is right for your next trip.

Plane vs Ship

There are many ways to travel from one place to another. But when it comes to speed, nothing can beat an airplane.

A ship may be more comfortable and offer more amenities, but it will take days or even weeks to reach its destination. An airplane, on the other hand, can make the same trip in a matter of hours.

When it comes to long-distance travel, there is simply no comparison between planes and ships. But what about shorter trips?

Is there a difference in travel time between the two modes of transportation?

The answer, unsurprisingly, is yes. Let’s take a closer look at the travel times for planes and ships.

Plane Travel Times

When it comes to travel time, there is no doubt that planes are the faster option. But just how much faster are they?

To get a better idea, let’s compare the travel time for a few different routes:

New York to London: 7 hours
Los Angeles to Tokyo: 12 hours
New York to Miami: 3 hours

As you can see, a plane can get you across the Atlantic Ocean in just seven hours. And if you’re traveling from one side of the world to the other, you can be there in 12 hours or less.

Even shorter trips, like the one from New York to Miami, can be completed in just a few hours. In comparison, a ship would take days or even weeks to make the same trip.

And that’s if the weather cooperates. If you’re traveling during hurricane season, you could be delayed for weeks or even months.

Ship Travel Times

While ships may not be able to compete with planes when it comes to speed, they do have one advantage, travel time is more predictable.

With a ship, you know exactly how long your journey will take. There are no delays due to weather or mechanical problems.

And unless you run into bad weather, your ship will arrive at its destination on time. This predictability can be a huge advantage, especially if you’re planning a trip month in advance.

With an airplane, you always run the risk of delays due to weather or other problems. But with a ship, you can be confident that your journey will take the same amount of time, no matter what.

Of course, this predictability comes at a price. Ships are simply not as fast as planes. So if speed is your top priority, you’re better off taking an airplane.

Planes vs Ships: The Cost of Travel

When it comes to the cost of travel, there are a few things to consider. First, let’s take a look at the cost of travel by plane. The average cost of a domestic flight is about $300.

This includes the cost of the ticket, baggage fees, and other incidentals. If you’re flying internationally, the average cost of a flight is about $1,000.

This again includes the cost of the ticket, baggage fees, and other incidentals. Now let’s take a look at the cost of travel by ship. The average cost of a cruise is about $2,000.

This includes the cost of the cabin, food, and onboard entertainment. If you’re looking at an all-inclusive cruise, the average cost is about $3,000.

This includes the cost of the cabin, food, drink, and excursions. As you can see, there is a significant difference in the cost of travel by plane and ship.

When it comes to the cost of travel, you’ll need to decide which mode of transportation is best for you.
Consider your budget and the length of your trip when making your decision.

If you’re looking to save money, travel by plane may be the best option for you. However, if you’re looking for a luxurious vacation, traveling by ship may be the best option for you.

Whichever you choose, enjoy your travels.

Planes vs Ships: Entertainment Options

When it comes to entertainment options, there are some big differences between planes and ships. Here’s a look at some of the key options available on each:


In-flight movies: Most planes have an in-flight movie system, which is a great way to pass the time on a long flight.

TV: Some planes also have TV screens, which can be a good option if you want to watch something specific or keep up with the news or a favorite show.

Music: Most planes have an audio system that you can plug your own music player into, so you can listen to your own music or podcasts during the flight.


Movies: Most cruise ships have a movie theater where you can watch first-run movies.

TV: Like planes, some cruise ships also have TV screens, though they’re typically located in public areas like the lobby or bar.

Live music: Many cruise ships have live music, from piano bars to full-blown stage shows.

Karaoke: A lot of cruise ships also have karaoke, which can be a great way to pass the time and show off your singing skills.

Casinos: If you’re looking for a little gambling action, most cruise ships have casinos on board.

Spas: Most cruise ships also have spas, which can be a great way to relax and pamper yourself during your vacation.

As you can see, there are some big differences when it comes to the entertainment options available on planes and ships.

So, when you’re planning your next vacation, be sure to consider what kinds of entertainment options you want before you decide which mode of transportation is right for you.

List Of Reasons To Travel By Either Planes Or Ships:

Reasons to Travel by Plane:

Speed: Planes are able to travel long distances very quickly, making them ideal for long-distance travel.

Comfort: Most planes nowadays have relatively comfortable seats and a variety of in-flight entertainment options to make the time pass more quickly.

Accessibility: There are airports all over the world, making it easy to get from one place to another by plane.

Reasons to Travel by Ship:

Cost: Ships are often cheaper than planes when traveling long distances.

Scenery: Cruises and other types of ship travel often offer beautiful views that can’t be seen from a plane.

Relaxation: Ships typically have a more leisurely pace than planes, so travelers have more time to relax on their journey.

Pros Of Planes

Planes are faster than ships, making them ideal for long-distance travel.
You can reach more destinations by plane than by ship.
Planes offer more amenities and creature comforts than ships (e.g., in-flight entertainment, comfortable seats, etc.)

Cons Of Planes

Planes are more expensive than ships.
Flying can be stressful for some people.
You’re more likely to experience turbulence on a plane than on a ship.

Pros Of Ships

Ships are typically more spacious than planes, giving you more room to move around and relax during your journey.
You can enjoy stunning views while sailing on a ship.
Ships offer a more leisurely travel experience than planes.

Cons Of Ships

Ships are slower than planes, making them less ideal for long-distance travel.
Bad weather can cause delays or even cancel your voyage altogether.
You may feel seasick while sailing on a ship.

Is Ship Safer Than Plane

You may have heard the popular saying, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” But when it comes to travel, there’s no denying that both the destination and the journey are important.

After all, you want to arrive at your destination safely and sound, ideally, without any major mishaps along the way. So which mode of transportation is the safest?

Is It Better To Travel By Ship Or By Plane?

To get to the bottom of this question, let’s take a closer look at the safety records of both ships and planes.

When it comes to commercial travel, planes are generally considered to be much safer than ships. In fact, the U.S.

Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that, in 2017, there were 35 times more fatalities from air travel than from water travel.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the vast majority of these fatalities were due to general aviation accidents, rather than commercial air travel.

When it comes to commercial airlines, the NHTSA reports that the fatality rate is actually quite low, at just 0.07 per 100 million passenger miles traveled.

So while planes may be more likely to crash than ships, the odds of being in a fatal accident are still quite low when traveling by plane.

When it comes to safety, ships have a bit of a mixed reputation. On the one hand, they’re often considered to be much safer than planes in terms of the overall number of accidents.

For example, data from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) shows that there were just over 1,000 ship accidents worldwide in 2016, compared to over 5,000 plane accidents.

However, ship accidents often have much more devastating consequences than plane accidents. This is due in part to the fact that ships are generally much larger than planes.

And they often carry hazardous materials. As a result, ship accidents can often lead to large-scale oil spills or other environmental disasters.

In terms of the overall number of fatalities, the IMO reports that there were just over 700 deaths from ship accidents in 2016.

This is still lower than the number of fatalities from plane accidents, but it’s important to keep in mind that the consequences of a ship accident can often be much more severe.

So which mode of transportation is the safest? The answer is, it depends. If you’re looking at the overall number of accidents, ships are generally much safer than planes.

However, if you’re looking at the consequences of an accident, planes are generally much safer than ships.

Ultimately, the best way to stay safe while traveling is to be aware of the risks associated with both modes of transportation and to make sure you’re taking precautions to minimize your risk.

Whether you’re traveling by ship or by plane, always be sure to follow the safety instructions and regulations, and never take unnecessary risks.

The Bottom Line

There’s no question that planes are faster than ships. But if you’re looking for a more predictable travel time, a ship may be the better option.

If you’re planning a long-distance trip, there’s simply no comparison between the two modes of transportation.

A plane will get you there much faster than a ship. But if you’re taking a shorter trip, you may want to consider a ship.

No matter how you choose to travel, just make sure you enjoy the journey. After all, that’s what it’s all about.